The Role of the Gut: Claudia Günther in TV Feature

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Professor Dr. Claudia Günther (Scientific Director GB.Com and Head of Mucosal Infection Biology)

Claudia Günther, the scientific director of GB.Com, was featured in a TV segment on SWR Wissen titled “Darmbakterien, die dick machen?” (Intestinal Bacteria that Make You Fat?”) on September 16, 2023. In the segments, Claudia provides insights and explanations to science author Dagmar Stoeckle regarding the role of intestinal bacteria in contributing to obesity. She also discusses how gut health is crucial not only in obesity but also in conditions like Parkinson’s and Multiple Sclerosis. Claudia demonstrates how mini intestines, made from stem cells, are cultivated in her laboratory to explore the role of the gut. The segment can be accessed here: