Welcome our new student representatives Bruno & Luis

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We are delighted to welcome our new student representatives, Bruno Ghirotto and Luis Goncalves, to the GB.Com consortium! As student representatives, they will serve as the voice of our doctoral candidates, fostering communication with the PIs and the steering committee. They will also work to incorporate the ideas and wishes of their peers into the planning of events, training sessions, and other initiatives aimed at enriching the GB.Com experience.

When asked why he chose to take on this role, they shared their motivation:

Bruno: “I wanted to become the student representative for KFO 5024, as I am deeply convinced that this is a pioneer consortium in investigating the gut-brain axis, and it fits my commitment to foster collaborative research development in such a dynamic and interdisciplinary setting.”

Luis: “I paired up with Bruno to also provide a voice for PhDs in our consortium so we can take into account every point of view and decide on the best end for each participant. In addition I joined to collaborate and provide input for future events regarding the KFO5024”

We are excited to see how Bruno and Luis will contribute to shaping our community and advancing our mission. Welcome aboard!


Bruno´s and Luis´project in GB.Com