
On October 23, 2024, we held our iRTG meeting, which was attended by our doctoral candidates and MD students. The day kicked off with a bioinformatics course focusing on the analysis of their own RNA-seq data and optimizing visualizations for publication readiness. This was followed by Science Slam-style presentations from several members, offering everyone a chance to gain insight into the possibilities of science communication.

Category: Allgemein, iRTG, knowledge, lectures, News, topnews

Die KFO5024 konzentriert sich auf die Darm-Hirnachse und deren weitreichende Auswirkungen auf die menschliche Gesundheit. Unsere Forschung erstreckt sich über Themen entlang dieser Achse, wie Multiple Sklerose (MS), Parkinson-Krankheit, Darminflammationen, Mikrobiom und vieles mehr. In...

Category: Blog, knowledge, News, outreach