Scientific talent promotion
The doctoral student is supervised by a mentoring committe, consisting of 3 supervisors. A protocol of the meetings of the supervision committee is necessary. In addition, a short written report of the doctoral student about the state of the research is to be attached.
* Minimum requirements:
Once within the first 3 months after joining GB.Com. (For MDs: within 6 weeks after start of full time research activity).
At the end of the promotion.
You must represent your doctoral project to your Mentoring Committee no later than three months after admission to Life@FAU/IZKF-GRK (Research Training Group) by submitting a research proposal or project outline and a presentation.
* Minimum requirements:
1 research proposal
Every PhD member and MD-member within the GB-consortium. Also Post-Docs, if there are no PhD members within the specific project.*
Info to join Jour Fixe GB.Com:
Please mail to
Time and Location:
Every first Friday each month, 12 a.m – 2 p.m (except: 1.11.24 – replaced with additional appointment: 8.11.24)
Kussmaulallee 4, TRC-IV, U1.012 or U1.013
Each PhD and MD participant should present 2x per year.
- Person 1/ Presentation Research Area A: for project A01, A02, A03, A04
- Person 2/ Presentation Research Area B: for project B01, B02, B03, B04
Schedule presentations:
Please schedule your presentations (2x) here:
Proof of participation:
Please sign the list of participants on the day of the meeting.
Next appointment:
* Minimum requirements:
90% participation is mandatory. You have to present your project twice a year
Participation in subject-specific or specialist or interdisciplinary training courses (e.g. IZKF, FAU Graduate Center), including one seminar on “Good Scientific Practice”.
Costs of seminars can be covered by the coordination of GB.Com (please contact Naime Zagha). Seminars specifically organized by GB.Com will be covered and announced here.
* Minimum requirements:
3 training courses
Guest speaker seminars are lectures by renowned scientists from other domestic and foreign institutions. They must be publicly announced. The seminar must take place live. An additional proof is not necessary.
Possible lecture series
Next guest speaker of GB.Com:
02May12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
* Minimum requirements:
10 seminars / year
The Mentoring Commission is required to present a list of this during the annual mentoring meetings.
We will plan a retreat yearly. Our next retreat will be on the 24/25.10.24 in Waischenfeld.
Next Retreat:
No events scheduled.
* Minimum requirements:
Once / year.
Every GB-member should contribute once in public relation work. The contribution need to be about the communication of scientific content. The coordinator will organize several events. Please contact the coordinator if you would like to participate. This also includes active participation in the GB.Com Multimedia Team (Twitter, etc.) for at least 12 months.
Next Public Event:
No events scheduled.
* Minimum requirements:
Required once at an public event or participation of 12 months at social media communcation.
Presentation at national conferences (speech or poster).
* Minimum requirements:
2x (PhDs), 1x (MDs)